Shaf` is two Rak`ahs before the Witr other than the Sunnah Ba`diyyah of the `Isha' Prayer


Q 1: Regarding Shaf` and Witr which are offered after `Isha' (Night) Prayer, is Shaf` considered Sunnah Ba`diyyah (supererogatory Prayer) which is performed on a regular basis after `Isha' Prayer? (Part No. 6; Page No. 70

A: Shaf` is two units of Salah (Prayer) which are particularly performed before Witr, which is a Salah with an odd number of units. However, Shaf` is an independent Nafilah (supererogatory act of worship). The Sunnah Ba`diyyah which is performed on a regular basis after `Isha' Prayer is another Nafilah.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Onwards towards God